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Match the table setting with natural colored eggs

Like Sthål's effect glazes, the plant-colored Easter eggs have many exciting shades of color.

At the end of the 19th century, goldsmith Fabergé began making the world's most lavish eggs with jewels and other exclusive materials, commissioned by the Tsar. At Sthål we make our majestic eggs with ingredients we find in the kitchen. Perfect for gift giving and perfect for setting the table at Easter. 

Crafts that match the icing. 

When you use plant dyes, you get varying colors on the eggshell. They are similar to our effect glazes which also have many shades. 

We used red cabbage and red onion for the eggs in the picture. We put all the ingredients in the pot and brought it to the boil. 


1 liter of water 

5 tbsp vinegar/vinegar

1 red onion, a couple of red cabbage leaves

Cook the color bath for about 15 minutes, let it cool down. Feel free to leave the onion and red cabbage behind. 

Then add the eggs and leave them for a few hours until you have the desired color. 

Let them dry and use in the table setting. 

How to make leaf patterns

Take a small leaf from an herb like parsley, lemon balm or whatever you have at home. Place the leaf tightly against the egg. Thread a nylon stocking over the egg to hold the leaf in place (twist it at the back and secure it with a rubber band like a hair tie).

Leave the egg in the bath. Feel free to turn it over a few times. Then carefully take it out and let it dry. 

Keep in mind that:

If the eggs are close to each other, the dye won't penetrate. Turn the pot gently and be careful not to get the dye bath on your clothes. Last but not least. Happy Easter!